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An online board meeting is an excellent way for a non-profit’s board of directors to meet from home, without the need for travel. Meetings online can present unique issues. Some issues can be addressed by using the right tools to meet the requirements of your board; others require more thought and consideration. There are many tools that can aid you in running your online board meeting efficiently.

A well-planned agenda is vital to maximize the effectiveness of your online board meeting. Ensure that you include specific discussion topics with allotted time and expected conclusion for each item. This will keep meetings focused on the most important issues and reduce the risk of discussions veering from the topic or running too long.

It’s a good idea ensure that all of your board members are knowledgeable about the tools they’ll need prior to you begin the meeting. Set clear guidelines for logging into the video conference and to encourage users to shut down any software that could use up bandwidth or interfere with audio. Also remind them to stay away from an area with a bright light source while they’re in the room, to avoid making it difficult for other attendees to see their screens.

The most effective tool for hosting an online board meeting is a collaboration app that makes it easier for board members to prepare for and attend virtual meetings. Select an app that can reduce the time spent preparing for meetings by using a board book builder and an option that allows you to easily distribute agendas and other materials for meetings ahead of the meeting. Additionally, search for an app that allows real-time sharing of documents. It also allows participants to mark the documents with annotations and highlights.