Legal practice automation is not simply a buzzword. It’s an effective tool that can help law firms improve efficiency and maximize profits. This article explores how you can automate key areas of your business without compromising client or attorney experience or efficiency.

The process of getting started with legal automation in your firm is simple. It just takes some research to find the best software programs and to create an action plan to ensure that your automation is as seamless as is possible. It is essential to remember that, the more automated your business is, the higher the amount of time that your lawyers have to devote to task that can be billed and the greater the revenue your business can earn.

The first step in legal practice automation is to figure out those tasks that aren’t billable or consume too much of an attorney’s time. To do this the law firm has to conduct an audit to see what processes could be improved and how much time could be saved when these processes were automated.

The next step is to understand the difference between «bespoke» work and standardizable work. The majority of legal assessment and inquiry activities fall into the latter category. This is where automation is the most appropriate.

Using legal process automation tools, your law firm can set up repeatable functions which can be triggered by certain events. When a new client fills out an online form, for example it can send an immediate email to the client thanking them for their time, and also informing that a representative from the firm will be in contact shortly. The system can even create a calendar for an initial consultation based on the availability of the company administrator.